Fundraising & Grants
The fundraising & grants team focuses on raising the six-figure budget through fundraising events and writing grants. The event planning portion of the money operation organizes one fundraiser per semester.
We focus our efforts on the Jubilee during the Fall semester. The Jubilee offers our most generous donors food, beverage, live music, and fantastic auction items. This event raises about 40% of our annual funds. In addition, the Jubilee allows students, donors, and mentors to meet each other and learn from one another.
Our Spring semester event engages the entire Bozeman community. The Bozeman Without Borders 5k traditionally takes place on Peet's Hill in mid-Spring. A Pints for Purpose after-party is guaranteed for our runners and volunteers.
Both of these events solely benefit Engineers Without Borders at Montana State University, who in turn benefit the community of Khwisero, Kenya.
Our other significant method of fundraising is grant writing. We invite well-versed and new grant writers to work with us to raise funds for our organization. Grant writing is a highly applicable for working in the non-profit industry. Volunteers can build their resume while securing funds to keep EWB@MSU striving towards our mission.
Our event planning and grant writing keeps EWB@MSU sponsoring projects in Khwisero, Kenya; we fund change through projects that promote health, education, and well-being for humankind.